Megan Edwards Laconico

Associate Director
Work Phone: 706-542-7774
Photo of Megan Edwards Laconico

Biographical Info

Megan Edwards Laconico joined Student Care and Outreach as a case manager in 2020. She became an assistant director in 2021 and now serves as the Associate Director. In this role, Megan oversees the general case management functions of the office and assists with immediate response to critical events and crises. She also serves as the co-chair of Student Support Team, the behavioral intervention team, and the primary case manager for the university’s Behavioral Assessment and Response Council (BARC), a group of administrators that assesses and determines the appropriate response to students who exhibit threatening behavior to self and/or others.

Megan holds a Master of Science degree in College Student Personnel from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Sonoma State University.

Categories: Sa 2025 Plan - Data Members, Student Care and Outreach
Updated 6 months ago.